Caríssimo Alexandre,
I spoke with Mbaguini Eng, Eng Cesar and I'm sure they already have sent a model contract to you.
The proposal map should not be concern because it is possible change everything as you want so the important and maintain a good relationship with the tone of good work to live and understand their concerns and will always be possible, never get angry easily, do not panic when you see a situation that puts in doubt and always ask as if you do not have a problem with the subject that is weighing on you and be strong.
Us Africans have several problems and it is not easy to believe because we have been deceived several times, for this reason we continue being poor and anyone who wants to help us be strong and firm with our behavior because poverty hurts more than any disease and only god can heal the pain: with love and friendship that has given us.
this and a tip from friend to friend and you can send me this type of tips I want both.
-The John
the only wealth they have is their land. they know that the land will never turn their backs on them. They can be poor and in poverty but they will always have the dirt. dirt and sweat means food. for this very reason land acquisition is no easy task here in Mozambique or any african country. Chelsea and I have had a great message come to our hearts recently. We must have hope and press forward in faith.
Below are the two maps, the latter is HICEPs recently proposed area and the anterior is their initial proposal which we had agreed on. They cut off nearly 400 hectares of land from that which we had agreed on.

Eu falei com o Eng Mbaguini, e Eng Cesar Tenho certeza de que Ja tem enviado um modelo de contrato para o Senhor.
A proposta do mapa nao deve ser preocupacao porque e possivel preoarar tudo como queres o importante e so manter uma boa relacao boa com a tim de trabalho para poder viver e entender as suas preocupacoes e sera sempre possivel, nunca zangar com facilidade, nao fique panico quando ver uma situacao que te poe em duvida e sempre perguntar de boa forma em como nao tiver problema com o assunto que te poe mal e ser forte.
nos Africanos temos varios problemas e nao e facil acreditar porque ja fomos enganados varias vezes, por isso mesmo continuamos pobres e se aparecer alguem que quer nos ajudar deve ser forte e firme com o nosso comportamento porque a pobreza doe mais que qualquer doenca e so Deus consegue curar essa dor: com o Amor e amizade que nos deu.
essa e uma dica de amigo para amigo e podes me mandar este tipo de dicas que quero tanto.
The John