Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We have been so busy lately.We are exhausted.

Yesterday, we went to South Africa to get our special 6 month visas, finally. Visas cause a lot of stress! We had to go to the Mozambican embassy in Nelspruit, which is the city closest to the Mozambican border, it is a whole different world over there. They have malls, grocery stores, and even McDonalds! We took advantage and got ourselves a big mac. We did a little shopping in the nice malls, took our time around the clean city. We left Nelspruit at the end of the day relieved- with our 6 month visas in hand. We cruised to the border only to find out they made a mistake with our visas. The validity dates say 13/6/11-13/12/11, which is correct. Then it says valid for only 30 DAYS. Ahhh... So frustrating. Looks like we have to take ANOTHER trip to South Africa to figure out our visas AGAIN. At least there is some good shopping in Nelspruit, right?

I got a kick out of this today. So today were driving in Maputo, when a police man comes out in the middle of the road with his hand up waving us to the side of the road. Great. So we pull over, roll down the window, and up comes the police man. He asks for the drivers license in a stern voice, so we hand it over. We have this down, they aren't as tough as they seem. We know the routine. He glances at the drivers license in silence for 20 seconds or so, then asks Alex to step out of the car. This was not part of the routine. So I stay in the car and watch him as they walk away and start talking a little ways away from the car. I couldn't hear what was being said. It was 3 cops with AK-47s hoisted on their backs vs. Alex. I see the policia point on the road, and I see them discussing. After a few minutes of them talking, I look over and I see Alex getting the cops phone number. They were laughing, slapping hands, it looked like they were best friends. Then Alex gets back into the car. 
"What happened?" I asked
"Were friends, he forgave me." He said
Apparently Alex made an illegal U-turn. Alex always has a way to get out of a ticket. Were 0/13 in traffic fines. Hopefully I don't jinx it.

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